# # FAQ
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#16: SaVa: : 27 2007 13:52
? Confused
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, . 4-5) .
. , . Crying or Very sad
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, , !

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, ?  !

#17: Galochka: ( ) : 28 2007 05:15
!!! , !
, , , - , - , , , !!!!
, , - !  ! , , , , !
, , ! , ! , !!!
, You are more than welcome

#18: blesk : 22 2007 00:57

, , : " - , ".

#19: blesk : 22 2007 00:59

- - , .

#20: : USA : 14 2007 08:54
Hi everyone!!! Im Olga, I live in States, have been married for little over three years and have three beautifull children-two girls and a boy. Im 26 years old, live in States for 10 years, went to school for two years and my english isn't very good, which doesn't really matter, since I don't work, I'm staying at home mom. I love to knit and croshet and I love to bake.
It's very nice to see you all in here, and I hope to see you all here soon! !

#21: Galochka: ( ) : 10 2007 21:33
Hey,everybody!!! Girls where are you? Of ocurse,sumer is the time to enjoy.Let's share our summer experiences!  !

#22: : Krasnodar, Russia : 16 2007 06:06
My name is Alida, my family and I live in Krasnodar, Russia. I enjoy knitting and crocheting. I am still learning Russian. I feel insecure writing in Russian because my grammar is poor, !

I enjoy knitting and crocheting. I have been in America for a few months on holiday. I leave for Russia on Friday. I am afraid that I will have forgotten all of my Russian lessons! Crying or Very sad

#23: Galochka: ( ) : 16 2007 17:11
Alida,welcome to our forum.That is amazing! You are going to live in Russia and I am just back from the USA.What part of the USA have you been living? I have been living in Nashville,TN for 2 years.So,I understnad how nervous you must be feeling!That is not an easy thing to get used to living in another culture!

#24: : : 16 2007 20:39
! . , , . ! ?

#25: : Krasnodar, Russia : 17 2007 00:09
I have been in California, Kansas, New Mexico, Texas, Arizona and Oklahoma since February of this year. My family and friends all live in different states. We tried to visit as many as possible.

Getting used to a different culture is hard at times but, I do love living in Russia. We moved to Krasnodar in 2005 and stayed until February 2007. Now we are heading back on Friday and we are very excited!!

! !

#26: Galochka: ( ) : 17 2007 14:47
, , !

Alida, I am living in the South of Russia too,if you have ever heard about the neighbor area called the Stavropol territory.Perhaps you have been here too,have you?

#27: : Krasnodar, Russia : 18 2007 10:27
I have not been to Stavropol but I have heard of it!

So far I have only been to Moscow, Krasnodar and Anapa... I desire to see more of Russia!

#28: Galochka: ( ) : 18 2007 16:06
Then welcome to Stavropol! Then I also recommend you to see St.Petersburg!It is really something! How long have you been learning Russian?

#29: : Krasnodar, Russia : 19 2007 01:48
I have studied Russian for over a year. It is a very beautiful but difficult language to learn.

a . .

#30: Galochka: ( ) : 19 2007 16:40
Just one year...Then you must be very smart if you speak Russian after one year of studies! ! I know Russian is very difficult to learn!Do you speak any other languages?

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