, !
# # FAQ
1, 2  .  :| |:
HobbyPortal.ru ->

#1:  , !Galochka: ( ) : 25 2007 07:12


Good morning! ! ( )
Good afternoon! ! ( )
Good evening! !
How do you do? !
Hallo! !
Hi! !
(I'm) glad to see you! () !
I haven't seen you for weeks. .
How are you? ?
How are you doing? ?
Thank you, very well. , .
Thank you, not so bad. , .
How are you feeling? ?
I'm all right. .
How's your family? ?


Good-bye! !
So long! !
Bye-bye! !
Good night! !
See you soon! !
See you tomorrow! !
See you later! !
I must go now.
I'm sorry to see you go. , .
You're not in a hurry, are you? ?
I hope we'll meet again. , .
I've enjoyed seeing you .
Come back soon. .
Remember me to your wife. .
Give my regards to your sister. .


Have a good time! !
Good luck! !
All the best! !
Happy birthday to you! !
A Merry Christmas! !
Happy New Year! !
Here's to you! ! ()
My congratulations to you! !
Have a good journey! !

Excuse me... ...
Sorry for interrupting you... , ...
I would like to speak to you. .
Are you very busy at the moment? ?
Could you spare me a moment? ?
Can I have a word with you? ?
I'll just like to tell you that... , ...
May I ask you a question? ?


Allow me to introduce Mr. T. to you. .
Let me introduce you to him. .
May I introduce myself. . I want you to meet Mrs. A. .
Have you meet Mrs. R.? .?
Pleased to meet you. .
Glad to meet you. .
Mister Brown, I believe? ?
I don't think we have met before. -, .
My name is... ...


What do you want? ?
Who do you want? ?
Who are you looking for? ?
Who can I ask? ?
Where can I find him? ?
Who told you that? ?
What's happened? ?
What do you mean? ?
What's the matter? ?
Don't you like it? ?
Could you do me a favor? ?
Can you tell me? ...?
May I have your pen? ?
May I have a cigarette, please? ?
Do you smoke? ?
May I trouble you for a light? ?
Do you mind if I smoke? , ?
Would you, please, keep an eye on my baggage? ?
Allow me to help you? ?


Yes. .
Yes, indeed. , .
Yes, that's true. , .
That's right. .
That's alright. .
I'm sure of that. .
I'm absolutely certain of that. .
I see. .
O.K. .
Very well. .
That's a good idea. .
I quite agree with you. .
There's something in that. - .
Of course. .

) ,

No. .
Certainly not. .
That isn't true. .
No, I can't tell you. , .
I have no idea. .
I think you're wrong. -, .
That's not the question. .
I can't see much sense in it. .
I object to that. .


Come and see me on Sunday. .
I want to invite you to lunch. .
Call any day you like. , .
Would you like to have some coffee? ?
Would you like to come for a walk? ?
Would you care to come to my place and have a drink? ?


Excuse me, is Mr. L. in? , . ?
I'm sorry, Mr. L. is out. , . .
He went out about an hour ago. .
Do you know when he'll be back? , ?
Any idea where he's at the moment? , ?
Would you mind waiting outside? , , .
Come in, please! , !
Sit down, please! , !
Make yourself at home! !


Thank you. .
Thank you very much. .
Thanks. .
Many thanks. .
I'm very much obliged to you. .
I'm very thankful to you. .
Please, thank your sister for me. , .


Do you speak English? -?
German? ?
French? -?
Spanish? -?
Russian? -?
Can you speak Japanese? -?
Chinese? -?
Hindi? ?
Just a little. .
I only know few words. .
I don't speak English. -.
My English is very poor. .
I speak English badly. -.
You speak good English. -.
You speak English with a slight (strong) Russian accent. - () .
You pronunciacion of English is practically faultless. .
What languages can you speak? ?
Where did you learn English? ?
How long have you been learning English? ?
I've been learning it for almost three years. .
Let's talk Russian. -.
What's that called in Russian? -?
What's the Russian word for 'hot'? - 'hot'?
I can't remember the Russian word for 'grass'. , - 'grass'.
Let's look up this word in my dictionary. .
How do you spell it? ?
Would you speak a little slower. .
What does this word mean? ?
How do you pronounce it? ?
This is a slang word. .


What country do you come from? ?
I come from the U.S.A. .
Canada. .
England. .
Spain. .
South Africa. .
Russia. .
I'm from Italia. .
Japan. .
China. .
I live in Novosibirsk. .
This is my first visit to the U.S.A. .
I've never visited other countries. .
How long are you going to stay in the U.S.A.? .
I hope to stay here for a few weeks. .
What nationality are you? ?
Are you Russian or Ukrainian? ?
I'm Russian. .
My mother is German by nationality. - .
He is an American subject. - .


What's the time, please? , , .
It's five o'clock. .
It's exactly six. .
It's half past three. .
It's a quarter past two. .
It's five to seven. .
It's five past seven. .
Could you tell me the right time, please? ?
What time is it? ?
It's twelve noon (midnight). ().
Oh, is it as late as that? , !
Is it nine already? ?
My watch is ten minutes slow (fast). ()
My watch has stopped. .
We have plenty of time. .
He's late today. .
Am I too early? ?
You're late. .
Hurry up! !
Be quick! !
What's the date today? ?
What was the date yesterday? ; ?
Today is the third of May. - .
What's today? ?
Today is Monday. .


What's the weather like today? ?
It's a nice morning! !
It's a fine day, isn't it? , ?
It was cloudy this morning. .
The sky is clear. .
The sun is coming out. .
The weather is getting warmer. .
It's splendid weather, isn't it? , ?
I'm hot. .
It's raining very hard. .
I'm wet through. .
It's cold today. .
I feel terribly cold. .
What's the forecast for today? ?

6. , ,

I've no appetite today. . I'm hungry / thirsty. / .
I feel like eating something. - .
When did you have breakfast? ?
Tell me what you want to eat? , , ..
Do you like tea or coffee? ?
I prefer a cup of tea. .
Do you take sugar / milk in your tea? / .
Pass me the salt please. , , .
Won't you have some more coffee. ,
Yes, please. , .
No, thank you. I've had enough. , . .
No, thank you. I'm not hungry. , . .
What are we going to have for dinner today? ?
I hope this seat isn't taken? , ?
Waiter, can I have the menu? , , , .
Have you made your choice? ?
What would you like to eat? ?
Bring me... ...
I'll take the same. .
What do you want for desert? ?
Bring me the bill, please. , , .

8. ,

How are you? ?
I'm better today, thank you. , .
I don't feel well. .
You look pale. .
I feel sick. .
I'm tired. I didn't sleep enough last night. . .
I have a cold. .
I have a headache / toothache. / .
I've fever. .
I broke my leg. .
You have to go to see your doctor. .
What's wrong, Mr. B.? , .?
I think there's nothing serious. , .
I'm going to make out a prescription for you for some pills. .
Take it three times a day after meals. .

9. ,

How old are you? ?
I'm thirty. .
You certainly don't look your age. .
When were you born? ?
I was born in 1960. 1960- .
Who's that olderly lady? ?
What does he look like? ?
He is good-looking man. .
She is a pretty girl. - .
How tall are you? ?
What do you weight? ?
He has fair / dark hair. / .
You are quite sunburnt. .
She has brown / blue eyes. / .

10. .

Are you married? ()?
No, I'm single. , ().
My wife is a teacher. - .
She divorced her husband. .
How many children do they have? ?
The have two children: a daughter and a son. : .
I have many relatives: two brothers and a sister, several cousins. : , .
They are my near / distant relatives. / .

11. ,

I have a lot to do. .
I have nothing to do. .
I must work hard. .
What time do you get to work? ?
I start work at 8 o'clock in the morning. 8 .
How many hours a day do you work? ?
I have an 8-hour working day. .
I've break at noon to have a lunch. .
He's at work. He won't be back before 6 o'clock. . .
Today is my day off. .
Do you get paid vacation? ?
When do you get your wages? ?
I get paid once a week. .
I have quite a well-paid job. .
I'm not working at present. .
What are you? ?
What is your occupation? ?
He's an expert in economics.
I'm a railroad worker. - .


Do you want to go shopping? ?
I must buy a lot of things. .
At what time do you open / close? / ?
Sorry, we are short of it at the moment. , .
What is the price of this...? ...? It's very expensive / cheap. / .
The Spring sales are on. .
I want a packet of cigarettes. .
What brand do you take, sir? ?
What size do you wear, please? ?
What size, please? ?
This is not my size. .
Does it fit all right? ?
May I try it on? ?
It seems to fit well. , .
Do you want to take it? ?
I'd like to pay cash. .


I'm in money difficulties. .
I'm short of money. .
I have spent all my money. .
I have only 10 dollars on me. 10 .
I have no change. .
I have to borrow some money. .
i'm not prepared to pay such a large sum. .
Unfortunately, I've left my all money at home. , .
I'll try to save up some money. - .


I have to give a phone call. .
Please, may I use your phone? ?
Hello, may I speak to Mr. Brown, please? , ?
Yes, sir. Hold on, please. , .
What's the minimum charge for calls to Moscow, please? , , ?
It's about 6 dollars for a three minute call. 6 .


I'm looking for a clean and cheap hotel room. .
Have you any accomodations? ?
Have you booked a room, sir? ,
I'm afraid, every room is taken. , .
What kind of room do you want? ? I want a single / double room. / .
Will that suit you? ?
How long do you want to stay? ?
May I ask what the charge is? ?
Will you, please, fill in this form? , .
Your room is number 25, and here is your key. 25. .
Will you show me up to my room, please? ?


Excise me, could you tell me how to get to ...?
, , ...?
Am I right for ...? ...?
Which way is it to ...? ...?
I've lost my way. .
You're going in the wrong direction. .
I'm afraid, I've no idea. , .
Which is the shortest way? ?
How far do you think it is? , ?
It's a very long way from here. .
It's over two miles, I think. , .
Which is the best way to get there? ?
What bus must I take? ?
Let me show you the way to the bus stop. .
What's the name of this street? ?
Where's the bus stop, please? , ?
Does number 10 stop here? ?
Which bus must I take to ...? ...?
How often do buses run from here? ?


What trains are there to ...? ...?
What time does train number ... leave / arrive? / ...?
When does the train arrive to ...? ...?
Where do I have to change? ? Where's the ticketing? ?
What platform does train number ... leave from? ...?
How much does a ticket to ... cost? ...?
How many days is my ticket valid? ?
Call the porter, please. , , .
Here's my baggage. .
When does the next plane leave for ...? ...?
Where does the plane stop on the way? ?
What's the fare to ...? ...?
Please, give me two economy class tickets to ... , , ... .
What's the charge for excess baggage? ?
How long does the flight take? ?
I feel sick. .
Please, give me some mineral water / paper bag. , , / .


Show me your passport, please. , , .
What is the purpose of your visit to this country? ?
How long do you intend to stay? ?
How much dollars have you gotten? ?
Any foreign money? ?
Have you anything to declare? -, ?
Have you any dutiable goods? , ?
I have only personal belongings. .
I have only gotten some presents. .
Open your case for examination, please. , .
You'll have to pay duty on this. .
I must confiscate these goods. .
That's all right! You may pass on. . .

#2: ~ Lira ~: : 29 2007 15:58
Confused , , - ?

#3: Alishka: New York : 31 2007 02:01
Please post the links in appropriate threads rather than in this one. Thanks!

#4: ~ Lira ~: : 05 2007 13:39
Alishka, !

#5: olga50: . : 07 2007 16:41
-Retry. Confused

#6: kuzja: : 07 2007 22:53
- .

#7: Galochka: ( ) : 08 2007 01:09
retry- , ! Wink

#8: : : 28 2007 15:05
: " ", "midsummer murder". ?

#9:  : 28 2007 16:21
: " ", "midsummer murder". ?

" " " "
" " -

1 -
Good morning! ! ( 12 )
Good afternoon! ! ( 12 17)
Good evening! ! 17 21
Good night!

: (28 2007 21:42), 1

#10:  : 28 2007 16:35
How do you do? !

Hallo! ! -

Hi! ! -

(I'm) glad to see you! () ! -
Hello it's nice to meet you -

What do you want? ? - a How May I Help You?

Who do you want? ? Are you looking for something?
Who are you looking for? ? Are you looking for somebody?

Who can I ask? ? so-so

#11:  : 28 2007 17:40
May I have your pen? ? I borrow your pen?


Yes, indeed. , . Agreed!
I quite agree with you. . Agreed!

) ,

I object to that. .
I am disagree - c


I'm very much obliged to you. -
I'm very thankful to you. . I am very gratefull to you!

He is an American subject. - . -
\ - . I am|he is American\USA citizen


It's half past three. . It's half to 4
It's a quarter past two. . It's a quarter after two.
My watch has stopped. . Something is wrong with my watches

Bring me the bill, please. , , .
May i have receipt? - -

When do you get your wages\salary? \ ?

What is the price of this...? ...? How much is this?
May I try it on? ?
where is here feeting room?- ?
It seems to fit well. , .
Do you want to take it? ?
I'd like to pay cash. .
Would it make difference if I pay cash? - ( 2-5% )


I have no change/small money. .

Excise me, could you tell me how to get to ...? Excise me, could you to direct me to ...?
, , ...?

Am I right for ...? ...?
I am lost here!

Sorry, I've lost my way. . Sorry, I am lost !

How long does the flight take? ?
I feel sick. .
Please, give me some mineral water / paper bag. , , / ( - hygienic pad\poket)

Any foreign money/currency? ?
better to say currency

That's all right! You may pass on. . .
Everything is in order! -
That's all right! -

#12: meteliza : 30 2007 17:37
Galochka ():
Yes, sir. Hold on, please. , .

" " - , ( , Confused )

#13: Galochka: ( ) : 30 2007 20:07
I will get you through!

#14:  : 31 2007 01:36
- .....

I will try get you through now! - - ""VA5>g$T@l2. zi9 UcdI(C%$مUnٕPNR!A98g?=-TN8wCS+e䗚MG'-53)FWBw )|$[p!,F"j**Y BB.o"!*k_(-`~orD⽾"p)?8]ek`t}/圔lb<13fO'ŴTLˆ%: vWpq!vV 9u3 \io#aoCBj8e{T3xTG0^Qf0r%1k[ g_omM$MwHŭ2+?,*ul,)DSA)ÄI夏~ f|hY.t eL.g_O.h9]T ܶ ^?dօk>|1t;v14uWo1E ΚH -5.4G.7M=8OН|?T Nnz4}6;Dx2*zKxwۜuse˿u}"{ BY%ʡɊbX^ 8EBj[rPs!W* ׶_gOӧӥckZ,XQf')<1Op d9 UD,A *]oؙA2VAhJ4:;&ezF2?YVSl@*/)&u=rNOM-r +vWJaWҜY3y] L&l.ZtWE9ugzC)Hŀ* c196tF!p2R r1V|owrV0 QԊEr2φTUXV>#AͩY@*)Ehl7&tK*ӈcU?/D0@K,R$0@cѫ[jx.}!!)Qxo bE4pԱ㐢o5]1Bw~eA[Hq:{) k]x; PM\Am`% b R hi"4i9&ta6.=ʴ.♇5o҅ϬVn(.kFk,[f^vd[Ejl{1#tQ'>H