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# # FAQ

HobbyPortal.ru ->

#1:  . , , , .: , : 22 2006 23:25
Tatisha : 16.12.2006 15:48:04


nadyas () : 17.12.2006 12:14:42

http://dump.ru/files/7/73630751/ . ,

: (31 2007 14:48), 1

#2: : , : 22 2006 23:27
Tatisha : 18.12.2006 05:58:


nadyas () : 19.12.2006 21:55:12


: (31 2007 14:49), 1

#3: : , : 22 2006 23:28
nadyas () : 19.12.2006 21:57:11


: (31 2007 14:51), 1

#4: nadyas: , : 27 2007 13:31
http://dump.ru/file/2479169 .

: nadyas (19 2009 14:26), 1

#5: nadyas: , : 27 2007 13:36

: nadyas (24 2008 16:12), 1

#6: nadyas: , : 27 2007 13:37

#7: nadyas: , : 27 2007 13:39

#8: nadyas: , : 27 2007 13:41

: nadyas (24 2008 16:13), 1

#9: nadyas: , : 27 2007 13:42

#10: nadyas: , : 27 2007 13:45
Crying or Very sad

: nadyas (24 2008 16:16), 1

#11: nadyas: , : 27 2007 13:49

#12: nadyas: , : 27 2007 13:51

: nadyas (05 2009 20:24), 1

#13: nadyas: , : 27 2007 13:52

: nadyas (24 2008 16:19), 1

#14: nadyas: , : 27 2007 13:53

#15: nadyas: , : 27 2007 21:40

: nadyas (24 2008 16:22), 1

#16: nadyas: , : 27 2007 21:41

#17: nadyas: , : 27 2007 21:44

#18: nadyas: , : 27 2007 21:46

: nadyas (19 2009 15:43), 1

#19: nadyas: , : 27 2007 21:48

: nadyas (19 2009 15:45), 2 ()

#20: nadyas: , : 27 2007 21:49

: nadyas (19 2009 15:46), 1

#21: nadyas: , : 27 2007 21:51

: nadyas (19 2009 15:47), 1

#22: nadyas: , : 27 2007 21:52

: nadyas (24 2008 16:28), 1

#23: : : 31 2007 11:51
! . , . .

#24: nadyas: , : 02 2007 18:03


#25: nadyas: , : 02 2007 18:10


#26: nadyas: , : 02 2007 18:14

: nadyas (20 2010 17:05), 2 ()

#27: Ljolika: : 18 2007 22:28
NaSt ():
. !!! , ... ? Confused
" "

#28: : : 07 2007 02:35
. :
http://avemeri.by.ru/deti/game.html -
http://www.sgddik.de/nelli_2003/frame_ru/index_ru.html -
http://www.yamama.ru/knitting/models/model33.html -
http://www.7ya.ru/photos/private.aspx?Rubrid=66640&ob=0 , ( )
- , . . .

#29:  : : 15 2007 17:58

: (17 2007 11:01), 1

#30:  : : 17 2007 10:42


#31:  : : 17 2007 10:58
. :

#32:  : : 17 2007 11:10
. :

#33:  : : 19 2007 17:15

#34:  : 24 2007 20:52
 ! ():

#35:  : 24 2007 21:14
Smile :

? Sad .

#36:  : : 25 2007 14:09
, . .


#37:  : : 29 2007 17:27

#38: Lamelle-Helga: - - : 09 2007 12:31

#39: : , : 10 2007 13:56

#40: : , : 10 2007 17:28

#41: : , : 10 2007 17:30

#42: : , : 10 2007 17:32

#43: Lamelle-Helga: - - : 12 2007 00:18

This little angel will be right at home, hanging from your tree or fastened on your crochet travel bag!

Skill Level

Finished Size
3 1/2" tall.


* Worsted-weight yarn -- small amount each yellow, peach and turquoise
* 1/4 yd. white 1" gathered lace
* 8" white 1/4" satin ribbon
* one skein brown embroidery floss
* craft glue or hot glue gun
* tapestry needle
* G crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge

Stitches Used
Chain, single crochet, double crochet, slip stitch.

4 sc = 1
9 sc rows = 2"


Head & Dress
Note: Do not join rnds unless otherwise stated. Mark first st of each rnd.
Rnd 1: Starting at Head, with peach, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook (6 sc).
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around (12).
Rnds 3-4: Sc in each st around.
Rnd 5: (Skip next st, sc in next st) around, join with sl st in first sc, fasten off (6).
Rnd 6: For Dress, working this rnd in back lps only, join turquoise with sc in first st, sc in same st, 2 sc in each st around (12).
Rnd 7: 2 sc in each st around (24).
Rnd 8: (Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st) around (36).
Rnd 9: (For armhole, ch 1, skip next 12 sts, sc in next 6 sts) 2 times (12 sc, 2 ch-1 sps).
Rnd 10: Working this rnd in front lps only, 2 sc in each ch and in each st around (28 sc).
Rnd 11: Working this rnd in back lps only, 2 sc in first st, (sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st) around (38).
Rnd 12: Working this rnd in back lps only, sc in each st around, join with sl st in first sc, fasten off.

With lt. peach (ch 11, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across) 2 times, fasten off.
Glue top of Legs to inside of rnd 9 on Dress.

Arm (make 2)
With lt. peach, ch 7, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across, fasten off.
Glue Arms to inside of each armhole.

Wing (make 2)
Row 1: With yellow, ch 6, 2 dc in 4th ch from hook, 2 dc in each of last 2 chs, turn (7 dc).
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in first st, (ch 3, sc in next st) across, fasten off.
Matching ends of rows on one side of each Wing, sew together.
Glue Wings to center back of Dress.

1: Glue gathered edge of lace to wrong side of last rnd on Dress.
2: Tie ribbon into a bow; glue to center front of bodice on Dress.
3: For hair, cut 25 strands floss each 6" long; for center part, tie 4" piece of floss around center of all strands held together. Glue center part to center top of Head. Gather hair on each side and tie another piece of floss around hair and through one st on Head to secure.
4: For bangs, wrap embroidery floss around crochet hook covering 1/2". Carefully slide loops off hook and glue to Head centered below center part on hair.

#44: Lamelle-Helga: - - : 13 2007 00:39

#45: Lamelle-Helga: - - : 13 2007 16:54


#46: Lamelle-Helga: - - : 15 2007 18:36

#47: Lamelle-Helga: - - : 15 2007 18:49

#48: Lamelle-Helga: - - : 15 2007 18:53

#49: Lamelle-Helga: - - : 06 2007 18:03

You'll always know just where to find your remote control with Jake the guard kitty around. Not to mention, he's a fun companion while you watch your favorite shows.

Skill Level

Finished Size
11 1/2" long.


* Worsted-weight yarn -- 51/2 oz. med. brown, small amount each lt. brown and dk. brown
* 2/3 yd. calico print 13/8" craft ribbon
* 2 green 15-mm cat eyes with washers
* 1/2" pink pom-pom
* 3" square piece of cardboard; polyester fiberfill
* Craft glue or hot glue gun; tapestry needle
* H crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge

7 sc sts = 2"
4 sc rows =1"

Head Side (make 2)
Row 1: Starting at top, with med. brown, ch 7, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across, turn (6 sc).
Row 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in first st, sc in each st across with 2 sc in last st, turn (8).
Row 3: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn.
Rows 4-7: Repeat rows 2 and 3 alternately, ending with 12 sts in last row.
Row 8: Ch 1, 2 sc in each of first 2 sts, sc in each st across to last 2 sts, 2 sc in each of last 2 sts, turn (16).
Rows 9-12: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn.
Row 13: Ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog, sc in each st across to last 2 sts, sc last 2 sts tog, turn (14).
Row 14: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn.
Rows 15-16: Repeat row 13 (12, 10).
Rnd 17: Working around outer edge, ch 1, sc in each st and in end of each row around, join with sl st in first sc, fasten off.
Attach eyes between rows 6 and 7 on one Head Side 1/4" apart. With dk. brown using Straight Stitch, embroider eyebrows on row 4 above eyes.
Holding Head Sides wrong sides together, matching sts, sew together, stuffing before closing.

Cheek (make 2)
Note: Do not join rnds unless otherwise stated. Mark first st of each rnd.
Rnd 1: With lt. brown, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook (6 sc).
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around (12).
Rnd 3: (Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st) around (18).
Rnd 4: (Sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st) around (24).
Rnds 5-7: Sc in each st around. At end of last rnd, join with sl st in first sc, leaving 8" for weaving, fasten off.
Weave 8" end through sts of last rnd, pull to gather stuffing before closing, secure end.
Sew Cheeks over rnds 10-14 of face as shown in photo. For nose, sew or glue pom-pom between rows 8 and 9 centered above Cheeks.

Ear (make 2)
Rnd 1: With med. brown, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook (6 sc).
Rnd 2: Sc in each st around.
Rnd 3: (Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st) around (9).
Rnd 4: (Sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st) around (12).
Rnd 5: Sc in each st around, join with sl st in first sc, fasten off.
Flatten last rnd and sew Ears to top of Head 3/4" apart .

Body Side (make 2)
Row 1: Starting at bottom, with med. brown, ch 21, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across, turn (20 sc).
Rows 2-6: Ch 1, 2 sc in first st, sc in each st across with 2 sc in last st, turn, ending with 30 sc in last row.
Rows 7-14: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn.
Row 15: Ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog, sc in each st across to last 2 sts, sc last 2 sts tog, turn (28).
Row 16: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn.
Rows 17-21: Repeat row 15, ending with 18 sts in last row.
Row 22: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn.
Rows 23-24: Repeat row 15 (16, 14).
Rnd 25: Working around outer edge, ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog, sc in each st across to last 2 sts, sc last 2 sts tog, sc in end of each row and in each st around, join with sl st in first sc, fasten off.
Holding Body Sides wrong sides together, matching sts, sew together, stuffing before closing.
Sew Head to Body as shown in photo.

Right Front Leg
Rnd 1: Starting at bottom, with med. brown, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook (6 sc).
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around (12).
Rnd 3: (Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st) around (18).
Rnds 4-23: Sc in each st around. At end of last rnd, join with sl st in first sc, fasten off. Stuff.

Right Back Leg
Rnds 1-16: Repeat same rnds of Right Front Leg. At end of last rnd, join with sl st in first sc. Stuff.

Left Back Leg
Rnds 1-3: Repeat same rnds of Right Front Leg.
Rnds 4-25: Sc in each st around. At end of last rnd, join with sl st in first sc, fasten off. Stuff.
Flatten bottom of one Leg, with dk. brown, using Straight Stitches, embroider three toes over first 3 rnds as shown. Repeat on other Legs.
Sew Legs to bottom of Body as shown.

Rnd 1: With lt. brown, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook (6 sc).
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around (12).
Rnds 3-7: Sc in each st around. At end of last rnd, join with sl st in first sc, fasten off.
Rnd 8: Join med. brown with sc in first st, sc in each st around.
Rnds 9-30: Sc in each st around. At end of last rnd, join with sl st in first sc, fasten off. Stuff.
Sew to back end of Body.
For top knot, wrap dk. brown around cardboard 12 times. Slide loops off cardboard, tie separate strand dk. brown tightly around center of all strands, cut loops. Sew to top of Head between Ears. Tie ribbon in bow around neck.
With med. brown, tack bottom of Right Front Leg to Side of Left Front Leg. Tack bottom of Right Back Leg to side of Left Back Leg. Place remote control inside opening between Legs.

#50: Lamelle-Helga: - - : 06 2007 18:15

#51: Lamelle-Helga: - - : 06 2007 18:36

This holly-jolly Santa centerpiece will be the talk of your party. Crocheted using worsted yarn, Santa stands 19" high.

19" tall.


* Red Heart Classic Art. E267 by Coats & Clark or worsted yarn:
12 oz. Cherry Red #912, 7 oz. Black #12, 5 oz. White #1, 4 oz. Lily Pink #719 (lt. pink); Small amount each of Pink #737 (dk. pink), Paddy Green #686, Coffee #365, Honey Gold #645
* Polyester fiberfill
* 7 1/2"-diameter cardboard circle
* Small jingle bells
* Tapestry needle
* Large soft-sculpture or upholstery needle
* G hook or hook needed to obtain gauge

4 dc = 1"; 3 dc rows = 2".

Ch, sl st, sc, hdc, dc.

For slip ring, leaving 4" end on yarn, lap yarn over 4" end forming a lp, insert hook through lp from front to back, yo (see illustration 1), pull through lp to form ring, yo, pull through lp on hook (see illustration 2).

NOTE: Work in continuous rnds; do not join or turn unless otherwise stated. Mark first st of each rnd.

Medium Disc (make 1 red)
Rnd 1: Make slip ring, ch 3, 14 dc in ring, pull end tightly to close ring, join with sl st in top of ch-3. (15 dc made)
Rnd 2: (Ch 3, dc) in first st, 2 dc in each st around, join with sl st in first dc. (30)
Rnd 3: Ch 3, 2 dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2 dc in next st) around, join. (45)
Rnd 4: Ch 3, dc in next st, 2 dc in next st, (dc in next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st) around, join. (60)
Rnd 5: Ch 3, dc in next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st, (dc in next 3 sts, 2 dc in next st) around, join. (75)
Rnd 6: Ch 3, dc in next 3 sts, 2 dc in next st, (dc in next 4 sts, 2 dc in next st) around, join. (90)
Rnd 7: Ch 3, dc in next 4 sts, 2 dc in next st, (dc in next 5 sts, 2 dc in next st) around, join. (105)
Rnd 8: Working this rnd in back lps (see Stitch guide), ch 1, sc in each st around, join with sl st in first sc.
Rnd 9: Ch 3, dc in next 4 sts, dc next 2 sts tog, (dc in next 5 sts, dc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (90)
Rnd 10: Ch 3, dc in next 3 sts, dc next 2 sts tog, (dc in next 4 sts, dc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (75)
Rnd 11: Ch 3, dc in next 2 sts, dc next 2 sts tog, (dc in next 3 sts, dc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (60)
Rnd 12: Ch 3, dc in next st, dc next 2 sts tog, (dc in next 2 sts, dc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (45)
Rnd 13: Ch 3, dc next 2 sts tog, (dc in next st, dc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (30)
Rnd 14: Ch 3, dc in next st, (dc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (16) Stuff Disc firmly.
Rnd 15: Ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog, (sc next 2 sts tog) around, join. Fasten off.

Large Disc (make 1 black, 2 red)
Rnd 1: Make slip ring, ch 3, 14 dc in ring, pull end tightly to close ring, join with sl st in top of ch-3. (15 dc made)
Rnd 2: (Ch 3, dc) in first st, 2 dc in each st around, join with sl st in first dc. (30)
Rnd 3: Ch 3, 2 dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2 dc in next st) around, join. (45)
Rnd 4: Ch 3, dc in next st, 2 dc in next st, (dc in next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st) around, join. (60)
Rnd 5: Ch 3, dc in next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st, (dc in next 3 sts, 2 dc in next st) around, join. (75)
Rnd 6: Ch 3, dc in next 3 sts, 2 dc in next st, (dc in next 4 sts, 2 dc in next st) around, join. (90)
Rnd 7: Ch 3, dc in next 4 sts, 2 dc in next st, (dc in next 5 sts, 2 dc in next st) around, join. (105)
Rnd 8: Ch 3, dc in next 5 sts, 2 dc in next st, (dc in next 6 sts, 2 dc in next st) around, join. (120)
Rnd 9: Working this rnd in back lps, ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 10: Ch 3, dc in next 5 sts, dc next 2 sts tog, (dc in next 6 sts, dc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (105)
Rnd 11: Ch 3, dc in next 4 sts, dc next 2 sts tog, (dc in next 5 sts, dc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (90)
Rnd 12: Ch 3, dc in next 3 sts, dc next 2 sts tog, (dc in next 4 sts, dc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (75)
Rnd 13: Ch 3, dc in next 2 sts, dc next 2 sts tog, (dc in next 3 sts, dc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (60)
Rnd 14: Ch 3, dc in next st, dc next 2 sts tog, (dc in next 2 sts, dc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (45)
Rnd 15: Ch 3, dc next 2 sts tog, (dc in next st, dc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (30)
Rnd 16: Ch 3, (dc in next st, dc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (16) Stuff Disc firmly.
Rnd 17: Ch 1, (sc next 2 sts tog) around, join. Fasten off. (8)

With black, ch 114, hdc in second ch from hook, hdc in each ch across. Fasten off.
With tapestry needle and black, sew Belt centered over rnds 8 and 9 of one red Large Disc.
Stack Discs as shown in photo (three large Discs on bottom and medium Disc on top). With joining seams aligned at center back, using soft-sculpture or upholstery needle and two strands of red, sew Discs together by running several long stitches up and down through the center of all Discs and pulling yarn snug. Fasten securely

Small Disc (make 8 red, 2 white)
Rnd 1: Make slip ring, ch 3, 14 dc in ring, pull end tightly to close ring, join with sl st in top of ch-3. (15 dc made)
Rnd 2: (Ch 3, dc) in first st, 2 dc in each st around, join. (30)
Rnd 3: Working this rnd in back lps, ch 1, sc in each st around, join with sl st in first sc.
Rnd 4: Ch 3, (dc next 2 sts tog) around to last st, dc in last st, join. Lightly stuff Disc. (15 dc)
Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in first st, (sc next 2 sts tog) around, join. Fasten off.
For first Arm, with large needle and red, sew four red and one white Discs together as shown in photo by running several long stitches up and down through the center of all Discs and pulling yarn snug. Fasten securely. Repeat for second Arm.

Hand (make 2)
Rnd 1: With lt. pink, make slip ring, ch 1, 6 sc in ring, pull end tightly to close ring. (6 sc made)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12)
Rnd 3: Sc in first st, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next st, 2 sc in next st) around. (18)
Rnd 4: Sc in each st around.
Rnd 5: Sc in first st, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next st, sc next 2 sts tog) around. Stuff firmly. (12)
Rnd 6: Sc first 2 sts tog, (sc next 2 sts tog) around, join with sl st in first sc. Fasten off. (6)
With tapestry needle and one strand lt. pink, sew one Hand to center of each white Disc.
With joining seams of Body Discs at center back, sew one Arm to each side of Medium Disc.

Rnd 1: With lt. pink, make slip ring, ch 1, 6 sc in ring, pull end tightly to close ring. (6 sc made)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12)
Rnd 3: Sc in first st, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next st, 2 sc in next st) around. (18)
Rnd 4: Sc in first 2 sts, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st) around. (24)
Rnd 5: Sc in first 3 sts, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next 3 sts, 2 sc in next st) around. (30)
Rnd 6: Sc in first 4 sts, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st) around. (36)
Rnd 7: Sc in first 5 sts, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next 5 sts, 2 sc in next st) around. (42)
Rnd 8: Sc in first 6 sts, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next 6 sts, 2 sc in next st) around. (48)
Rnd 9: Sc in first 7 sts, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next 7 sts, 2 sc in next st) around. (54)
Rnd 10: Sc in first 8 sts, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next 8 sts, 2 sc in next st) around. (60)
Rnd 11: Sc in first 9 sts, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next 9 sts, 2 sc in next st) around. (66)
Rnd 12: Sc in first 10 sts, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next 10 sts, 2 sc in next st) around. (72)
Rnd 13: Sc in first 11 sts, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next 11 sts, 2 sc in next st) around. (78)
Rnds 14-20: Ch 1, sc in each st around.
Rnd 21: Sc in first 11 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 11 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around. (72)
Rnd 22: Sc in first 10 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 10 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around. (66)
Rnd 23: Sc in first 9 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 9 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around. (60)
Rnd 24: Sc in first 8 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 8 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around. (54)
Rnd 25: Sc in first 7 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 7 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around. (48)
Rnd 26: Sc in first 6 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 6 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around. (42)
Rnd 27: Sc in first 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around. (36)
Rnd 28: Sc in first 4 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 4 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around. (30)
Rnd 29: Sc in first 3 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 3 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around. (24)
Rnd 30: Sc in first 2 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 2 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around. Stuff Head firmly. (18)
Rnd 31: Sc in first st, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next st, sc next 2 sts tog), around. (12)
Rnd 32: Sc first 2 sts tog, (sc next 2 sts tog) around. Leaving 24" end for sewing, fasten off. Weave end through last rnd and pull tight to close.
Sew Head to top of Medium Disc.

Rnd 1: With red, make slip ring, ch 1, 6 sc in ring, pull end tightly to close ring. (6 sc made)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12)
Rnd 3: Sc in each st around. Stuff firmly.
Rnd 4: Sc first 2 sts tog, (sc next 2 sts tog) around. Fasten off.
With red, sew Nose to center front of Head.

EYE (make 2)
Rnd 1: With coffee, make slip ring, ch 1, 6 sc in ring, pull end tightly to close ring. (6 sc made)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around, join with sl st in first sc. Fasten off. (12)
Using two strands white, make 3/8"-long straight stitch between first and second rnd of each eye.
With one strand coffee, sew eyes 2 1/4" apart, centered above Nose.

With red, ch 12, sl st in each ch across. Fasten off.
With red, sew Mouth to Head in crescent shape 1/2" below Nose.

CHEEK (make 2)
With dk. pink, make slip ring, ch 2, 8 hdc in ring, join with sl st in first hdc, pull end tightly to close ring. Fasten off.
With dk. pink, sew Cheeks to Head 1/2" below each eye and 1 1/4" from either side of Nose.

NOTE: For loop stitch (lp st), insert hook in st, wrap yarn 3 times around finger, insert hook from left to right through all lps on finger, pull lps through st, drop lps from finger, yo, pull through all lps on hook (see illustration).

Row 1: With white, ch 40, sc in second ch from hook, sc in each ch across, turn. (39 sc made)
Row 2: Lp st (see Note) in each st across, turn.
Row 3: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn.
Row 4: Lp st in each st across, turn.
Row 5: Ch 1, sc in first 4 sts, (sc next 2 sts tog, sc in next 3 sts) across, turn. (32)
Row 6: Lp st in each st across, turn.
Row 7: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sts, (sc next 2 sts tog, sc in next 3 sts), across, turn. (26)
Row 8: Lp st in each st across, turn.
Row 9: Sl st in each st across. Fasten off.
With one strand white, sew Beard to Head in crescent shape just under Mouth and Cheeks.

EYEBROW (make 2)
With white, ch 8, lp st in second ch from hook, lp st in each ch across. Fasten off.
With one strand white, sew Eyebrow over each eye.

Rnd 1: With white, ch 82, join with sl st in first ch to form ring, ch 1, sc in each ch around, join with sl st in first sc. (82 sc made)
Rnds 2-4: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join. At end of last rnd, fasten off.
Rnd 5: Working this rnd in back lps, join red with sl st in first st, ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 6: Ch 1, sc in first 5 sts, (sc next 2 sts tog, sc in next 5 sts) around, join. (71)
Rnd 7: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 8: Ch 1, sc in first 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around to last st, sc in last st, join. (53)
Rnd 9: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 10: Ch 1, sc in first 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around to last 4 sts, sc in last 4 sts, join. (46)
Rnd 11: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 12: Sc in first 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around to last 4 sts, sc in last 4 sts, join. (40)
Rnds 13-18: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 19: Sc in first 5 sts, (sc next 2 sts tog, sc in next 5 sts) around, join. (35)
Rnd 20: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 21: Sc in first 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (30)
Rnd 22: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 23: Sc in first 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around to last 2 sts, sc in last 2 sts, join. (26)
Rnd 24: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 25: Sc in first 5 sts, (sc next 2 sts tog, sc in next 5 sts) around, join. (23)
Rnd 26: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 27: Sc in first 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around to last 2 sts, sc in last 2 sts, join. (20)
Rnd 28: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 29: Sc in first 5 sts, (sc next 2 sts tog, sc in next 5 sts) around to last st, sc in last st, join. (18)
Rnd 30: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 31: Sc in first 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, sc in next 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, sc in last 4 sts, join. (16)
Rnd 32: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 33: Sc in first 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, sc in next 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, sc in last 2 sts, join. (14)
Rnd 34: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 35: Sc in first 5 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, sc in next 5 sts, sc 2 sts tog, join. (12)
Rnd 36: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnd 37: Sc in first 2 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next 2 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around, join. (9)
Rnd 38: Sc in first 2 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, sc in next 2 sts, sc next 2 sts tog, sc in last st, join. Fasten off. (6)

Working in remaining lps on opposite side of starting ch, join white with sl st in first ch, working from left to right, reverse sc (see illustration) in each ch around. Fasten off.
Working in remaining front lps on rnd 4, join white with sl st in first lp, working from left to right, reverse sc in each st around. Fasten off.

Rnd 1: With white, make slip ring, ch 1, 6 sc in ring, pull end tightly to close ring. (6 sc made)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12)
Rnd 3: Sc in first st, 2 sc in next st, (sc in next st, 2 sc in next st) around. (18)
Rnds 4-5: Sc in each st around. Stuff with fiberfill and place 3 small jingle bells inside.
Rnd 6: Sc in first st, sc next 2 sts tog, (sc in next st, sc next 2 sts tog) around. (12)
Rnd 7: Sc first 2 sts tog, (sc next 2 sts tog) around. Fasten off.
With white, sew Pom-Pom to tip of Hat. Stuff Hat lightly, place on Head, sew in place. Fold tip of Hat over to one side, sew in place.

BUTTON (make 3)
With gold, make slip ring, ch 3, 11 dc in ring, pull end tightly to close ring, join with sl st in top of ch-3. Fasten off.
Centering Buttons on front of Discs, sew two Buttons on Medium Disc and one Button on first Large Disc above Belt.

With gold, ch 10, sl st in first ch to form ring. Fasten off.
Sew to center front of Belt.

Rnd 1: With black, make slip ring, ch 3, 11 dc in ring, pull end tightly to close ring, join with sl st in top of ch-3. (12 dc made)
Rnd 2: (Ch 3, dc) in first st, 2 dc in each st around, join. (24)
Rnd 3: Ch 3, 2 dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2 dc in next st) around, join. (36)
Rnd 4: Ch 3, dc in next st, 2 dc in next st, (dc in next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st) around, join. (48)
Rnd 5: Ch 3, dc in next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st, (dc in next 3 sts, 2 dc in next st) around, join. (60)
Rnd 6: Ch 3, dc in next 3 sts, 2 dc in next st, (dc in next 4 sts, 2 dc in next st) around, join. (72)
Rnd 7: Working this rnd in back lps, ch 1, sc in each st around, join.
Rnds 8-23: Ch 3, dc in each st around, join.
Rnd 24: Sl st in each st around, join with sl st in first sl st. Fasten off.
Place cardboard in bottom of Bag, stuff with fiberfill.

With green, ch 150, sl st in second ch from hook, sl st in each ch across. Fasten off. Weave Drawstring through sts on rnd 21 of Bag. Tie knot in each end of Drawstring, pull ends to gather, tie in bow. Sew Bag to three Large Discs on one side.

#52: Lamelle-Helga: - - : 06 2007 18:37

Crochet a glistening white dove to adorn a window using size 10 crochet cotton and a size 8 steel crochet hook.

Skill Level

6 inches long x 8 inches across wings


* Crochet cotton size 10:
75 yds white
* Size 8 crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge
* 2 (10-inch) pieces white 28-gauge wire
* 2 (4mm) white pearls
* Polyester fiberfill
* Fabric stiffener
* Hot-glue gun
* 2 1/2-inch eye pin, clipped to 1 inch
* 10 inches white 1/4-inch-wide sheer ribbon
* 13 (12mm) burgundy flowers with leaves
* 26 (10mm) white flowers with pearl center
* Tiny gold beads
* Tapestry needle

2 hdc rnds = 3/8 inch
Check gauge to save time.

Pattern Notes
Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Join rnds with a sl st unless otherwise stated. Stuff body with fiberfill as work progresses.

Rnd 1: Beg with head, ch 3, 7 hdc in 3rd ch from hook, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3. (8 hdc)
Rnd 2: Ch 2 (counts as first hdc throughout), hdc in same st as beg ch, hdc in next st, [2 hdc in next st, hdc in next st] rep around, join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (12 hdc)
Rnd 3: Rep Rnd 2. (18 hdc)
Rnd 4: Ch 2, hdc in same st as beg ch, hdc in each of next 2 hdc, [2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in each of next 2 hdc] rep around, join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. (24 hdc)
Rnds 5-8: Ch 2, hdc in each hdc around, join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2.
Rnd 9: Working in front lps this rnd only, ch 1, [sc in next st, ch 3, sk next st] rep around, join in beg sc. (12 ch-3 sps)
Rnd 10: Working in rem back lps of Rnd 8, ch 1, sc in each st around, join in beg sc. (24 sc)
Rnd 11: Ch 1, [sc in next st, sk next st, 3 dc in next st, sk next st] rep around, join in beg sc. (6 3-dc groups; 6 sc)
Rnd 12: Ch 3 (counts as first dc throughout), 4 dc in same sc, sc in center dc of next dc group, [5 dc in next sc, sc in center dc of next dc group] rep around, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 13: Sl st to center dc of dc group, ch 1, [sc in center dc of dc group, 5 dc in next sc] rep around, join in beg sc.
Rnd 14: Ch 4 (counts as first tr throughout), 4 tr in same sc, sc in center dc of next dc group, [5 tr in next sc, sc in center dc of dc group] rep around, join in 4th ch of beg ch-4.
Rnd 15: Sl st into center tr of tr group, ch 1, [sc in center tr of tr group, 7 tr in next sc] rep around, join in beg sc.
Rnd 16: Ch 4, 8 tr in same sc as joining, sc in center tr of tr group, [9 tr in next sc, sc in center tr of next tr group] rep around, join in 4th ch of beg ch-4.
Rnd 17: Sl st into center tr of next tr group, ch 1, [sc in center tr of tr group, 9 tr in next sc] rep around, join in beg sc.
Rnds 18 & 19: Rep Rnds 16 and 17.
Rnd 20: Rep Rnd 16.
Rnd 21: Rep Rnd 15.
Rnd 22: Rep Rnd 14.
Rnd 23: Rep Rnd 13.
Rnd 24: Rep Rnd 12.
Rnd 25: Sl st into center dc of group, ch 1, [sc in center dc, 3 dc in next sc] rep around, join in beg sc.
Rnd 26: Ch 3, 2 dc in same sc, sc in center dc of dc group, [3 dc in next sc, sc in center dc of dc group] rep around, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 27: Ch 2, hdc in each st around, join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2, fasten off. (18 hdc)

Row 28: With joining st at center, fold last rnd of body in half and, working through both thicknesses, attach cotton, ch 1, 9 sc across, turn. (9 sc)
Row 29: Ch 3, dc in same st as beg ch, 2 dc in each rem sc across, turn. (18 dc)
Row 30: Ch 3, dc in next st, [ch 2, sk next 2 sts, dc in each of next 2 sts] rep across, turn.
Row 31: Ch 3, dc in next dc, [{2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc} in next ch-2 sp] 4 times, dc in each of next 2 dc, turn.
Row 32: Ch 3, dc in next dc, [{2 tr, ch 2, 2 tr} in next ch-2 sp] 4 times, dc in each of last 2 dc, turn.
Row 33: Ch 1, sc in each of next 4 sts, [{2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc} in next ch-2 sp, sc in each of next 4 sts] rep across, fasten off.

Make 2
Row 1: Ch 16, hdc in 3rd ch from hook, hdc in each rem ch across, turn. (15 hdc)
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in first st, *sk next st, 3 dc in next st **, sk next st, sc in next st, rep from * across, ending last rep at **, turn.
Row 3: Ch 3 (counts as first dc throughout), 2 dc in same st, sc in next st, [3 dc in next sc, sc in center dc of next 3-dc group] 3 times, 3 dc in last st, turn.
Row 4: Ch 1, sc in first st, [3 dc in next sc, sc in center dc of next 3-dc group] 4 times, turn.
Row 5: Ch 3, 3 dc in same st, sc in next st, [5 dc in next sc, sc in center dc of next 3-dc group] 3 times, 3 dc in last st, turn. Row 6: Ch 1, sc in first st, [5 dc in next sc, sc in center dc of next 5-dc group] 4 times, 3 tr in last st, turn.
Row 7: Ch 4 (counts as first tr throughout), tr in same st as beg ch, tr in each of next 2 sts, [5 dc in next sc, sc in center dc of next 5-dc group] 4 times, 3 dc in last st, turn.
Row 8: Ch 1, sc in next st, [5 dc in next sc, sc in center dc of next 5-dc group] twice, [5 tr in next sc, sc in center dc of next 5-dc group] twice, sk next 2 sts, 5 tr in next st, sk next 3 sts, sc in last st, turn.
Row 9: Ch 4, tr in same st as beg ch, tr in each of next 2 sts, sc in next st, [5 tr in next sc, sc in center tr of next 5- tr group] twice, turn.
Row 10: Ch 1, sc in each of first 3 tr, 5 tr in next sc, sc in center tr of next 5-tr group, 5 tr in next sc, sk next 2 sts, sc in next st, sk next st, 5 tr in last st.
Rnd 11: Form a 10-inch length of wire around outer edge of wing, ch 1, working over wire, sc evenly sp around outer edge, join in beg sc, fasten off.
Note: For 2nd wing, at the end of Row 10, turn before working Rnd 11.

Rnd 1: Ch 4, 5 dc in first ch, join in 4th ch of beg ch-4. (6 dc)
Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as first dc throughout), dc in each dc around, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Ch 1, sc in each dc around, join in beg sc, fasten off.

Saturate body, wings and beak with stiffener. Bow tail and flatten birds back slightly. Form wing curves and cup wing slightly. Allow to dry completely.
Glue 3 burgundy flowers at base of beg of tail. Glue 2 burgundy flowers under each wing and rem evenly sp around neckline. Attach white flowers and gold beads as desired.
For eyes, glue pearl beads to head; glue beak to front of head.
Glue eye pin between wings and thread sheer white ribbon through pin; tie ends tog to form hanging lp.

#53: : : 19 2007 14:49
(??) ( - )) , .

#54: Ira.C.: Sacramento : 15 2008 03:56

#55: : : 27 2008 22:47

#56: : , : 04 2008 17:28

#57: : , : 04 2008 17:37

#58: : , : 04 2008 17:39

#59: : , : 08 2008 19:08
, . .

#60: VaTinka: : 17 2008 09:00
. , - 4-5 . - . ( , ), , .

#61: Laska_sweden : 17 2008 09:27
VaTinka ))) , . . Cool

#62:  : 22 2008 14:19


#63: nadyas: , : 24 2008 17:25
Smile , , .

#64: VaTinka: : 03 2008 10:00
Laska_sweden ():
VaTinka ))) , . . Cool

Shocked ?
Smile - , - .
- Very Happy .

#65:  : 07 2008 10:17


#66:  : 07 2008 10:19
The knitting Egg
- ?

#67:  : 20 2008 14:41

#68: gaga: : 18 2008 03:25
, , , . .

#69: sylvi: : 16 2008 00:33
-. , , :
Toys To Knit


#70: alba: : 17 2008 20:15
, - - ( 2, 31 2007.), , :

! . , . .


#71: : - : 22 2008 20:32
- - , , . .106 .
- - - , . , , .92 .
- , .94 .

#72: Ira.C.: Sacramento : 30 2008 01:52
. !

#73: Denima: : 30 2008 17:00

#74: silvert : 06 2008 09:05


: silvert (06 2008 09:08), 1

#75:  : : 15 2008 14:14

, , .

#76:  : : 15 2008 14:17
. .

#77: Uluashka: , : 03 2008 14:41
, ! Shocked ( )
! , ! ... http://www.flickr.com/photos/pasubio9/

#78: nadyas: , : 10 2008 10:59

#79: nadyas: , : 10 2008 11:01

#80: nadyas: , : 10 2008 11:02

#81: nadyas: , : 10 2008 11:06

#82: nadyas: , : 10 2008 11:08

#83: nadyas: , : 10 2008 11:09

#84: nadyas: , : 10 2008 11:10

#85: nadyas: , : 10 2008 11:11

#86: nadyas: , : 10 2008 11:13

#87: nadyas: , : 10 2008 11:14

#88: nadyas: , : 10 2008 11:15

#89: nadyas: , : 10 2008 11:17

#90: nadyas: , : 10 2008 11:19

#91: nadyas: , : 10 2008 11:21

#92: nadyas: , : 12 2008 19:56

#93: nadyas: , : 12 2008 21:44

#94: nadyas: , : 12 2008 21:45

#95: Lesya_M: : 06 2008 01:36
nadyas ():



#96: Cecu: : 16 2009 00:55


#97: Amigurumi Collection 5 crochetic : 02 2009 15:19
Amigurumi Collection 5
, - .

5 , 67,18 :
Amigurumi Vol.1 76 jpg 14,5 M
Amigurumi Vol.2 65 jpg 15,1 M
Amigurumi Vol.3 66 jpg 9,02 M
Amigurumi Vol.4 59 jpg 13,6 M
Amigurumi Vol.5 73 jpg 14,8 M


#98: IGLENA: UA : 04 2009 12:07

: 1999
: M. Ratto
: Editions de Vesshi Paris
: , , , , , ...

#99: IGLENA: UA : 04 2009 12:08

: 2007
: .
ISBN: 978-5-486-01724-7

: , .

: , , ... , .

, , , . , , , .

#100: IGLENA: UA : 04 2009 12:08

: 2008
: -
ISBN: 5-86444-103-1
: DjVu
: 112
: , , . , .

? . - , - . : - , , , , , , , .

- : , , , , . 45 . .

#101: IGLENA: UA : 04 2009 12:10
Pooh - Little Buddies/-

: ,
: Disney Home
: 45
: -

. : JPEG

#102: IGLENA: UA : 04 2009 12:10
Phildar Doudous 804 ( - 36 , )

: 2008
: Marie Clare
: jpg
: 125
: 36 , . 125 jpg ( ).


#103: Uluashka: , : 08 2009 02:46
Petit boutique yellow cover


#104: MaryG : 24 2009 18:02
nadyas ():

, - :-*

#105: Amigurumi Collection Vol.7crochetic : 25 2009 00:38
Amigurumi Collection Vol.7
, - .

9,57 M

#106: Uluashka: , : 26 2009 19:50


#107: Uluashka: , : 26 2009 21:32


#108: : - : 29 2009 17:10
, , Confused

 !  !  !

#109: Uluashka: , : 13 2009 22:57


#110: Uluashka: , : 16 2009 20:54


#111: Uluashka: , : 16 2009 21:00


#112: Uluashka: , : 16 2009 21:16


#113: Uluashka: , : 16 2009 21:17


#114: Uluashka: , : 16 2009 21:27


#115: Uluashka: , : 17 2009 18:29


#116: Uluashka: , : 19 2009 14:30


#117: Uluashka: , : 19 2009 17:14


#118: Uluashka: , : 20 2009 14:36


#119: Uluashka: , : 20 2009 14:43


#120: Uluashka: , : 20 2009 14:45


#121: Uluashka: , : 23 2009 16:11


#122: Lesya_M: : 23 2009 20:51
- 2010 - -,  !

#123: Uluashka: , : 25 2009 23:18


#124: katrin32: : 28 2009 14:54
, , http://forum.hobbyportal.ru//files/cheshire_cat_fc_545.jpg http://forum.hobbyportal.ru//files/caterpillar_fc_200.jpg

#125: Uluashka: , : 01 2009 14:57


#126: Uluashka: , : 03 2009 13:54


#127: marisava: . , : 03 2009 23:19


11, 1= , /. , 1=15 . - , , .
, ( ) ( ). . . .


, (10,5). , .. 0,50,5. ( ""), . , , (, ) - . , . "" , .


1/4 .. 10,25, (0,50,25 - !) , ( ), "". , , .

, , , . . - . !

#128: marisava: . , : 03 2009 23:24
"", 2,5. 14.
3 . .
1 - 6 .
2 - 12 .
3 - 24 .
5 , .
9,10 , 14 .
, .

10 .
1 6
7 , .
9 10 - , 6 , .

- "" . 3- , .
1 - 7 , 6 .
4 , .

4 .
1 - 6
2 - 2, 12
, , , , , .

, .

#129: marisava: . , : 03 2009 23:28
, .

: . 25 . : . 50 (85% , 15% ; 140 /50 ); 50 (50% , 50% ; 175 /50 ); 2 ; 5 N 3; N 3; . 100 .

: - , - : - .

, : . / 12 . 80 . / 13 . 2- . 2 5- 6- . . , , .

, : 48 ., . 4- . 4- . 8- . 5- . = 72 . 20 ., 4 . = 76 . . 4- .: 4 2 . 8- .: 7- 8- . 10- .: 6- 7- . 12- .: 5- 6- . 14- .: 4- 5- . = 36 . 1 . 2 . 2 . . . , : 33 ., 4 . . 5- .:' 2 .
(= 1 . , , 1 . ), 9 ., '. 7- .: * 2 . , 4 ., '. 9- .: * 2 . . 3 ., *. 10- .:' 2 . . 2 ., * = 15 . 11- 12- .: 2 . , .

() : . / 2 4 (5) . 36 (40) . 6 (7) . 1- -18- (20-) . 8 . -, 2- . 5 1 . .

, : 2 10 .. 3 . . 6'. 3 1 . 1 . . /.

: .

, , .

, , . - .

#130: marisava: . , : 03 2009 23:48
, ,

: . 13 .

: ; 5 1; ; 1.

: .


2 32 . . 1- , 4 8 . , 1- . , , 2- (2- 3-) , 2- (4- 1-) ( , , , . . 4- 1- , ). ( : 3 . , 3 . 3 . , ). 2- ( ) . 2- .



32 ., 4 6 . . . , 7-, 8- 9- 1 . (=38 .). 2 - , 2 , 2 12 -.

(25-) . 3 . 25- 2 . 26- (=48 .). 25-26 - , 18 , -, ( 2 ). , 45- 46- 4 . (= 32 .). 14 . ( , ): 6 , . 67- 2 . 3 4 , 69- 3 , 71- 2 3 , 73- 14 . 2 . . 1- 1 .

. 10 25- ( ) - 10 .28 : 7 1-2 2 3-4 . , .

( , , ), . , , . . , . , . : , , . .


, , . . 76 8 *1 , 1 *, 9- 2 (=38 .). 24- . 2 , 1 1 . 25- , .

( ) , . .

. ...

. 7 . 5 , , 2 ( 12 6 )...

, , , , 2 , , ...

#131: marisava: . , : 04 2009 00:06


#132: Uluashka: , : 06 2009 14:50


#133: Uluashka: , : 07 2009 12:48


#134: Uluashka: , : 09 2009 11:44


#135: Uluashka: , : 11 2009 14:13


#136: Uluashka: , : 11 2009 14:15


#137: Uluashka: , : 21 2009 09:58


#138: Uluashka: , : 21 2009 09:59


#139: Bisernoe : 30 2009 10:27
, , .

: Bisernoe (30 2009 19:26), 2 ()

#140:  : 07 2009 23:12

#141: Uluashka: , : 08 2009 11:25


#142: : : 23 2009 00:10

#143: : : 23 2009 00:18

#144: : : 23 2009 00:22

#145: Lesya_M: : 04 2009 17:21

4- : , , .
- 7,5

#146: leffele : 04 2009 21:25

#147: Dgulia : 05 2009 00:00

: Dgulia (17 2010 21:34), 1

#148: katrin32: : 06 2009 13:42
Dgulia ():
Uluashka ():
, ! Shocked ( )
! , ! ... http://www.flickr.com/photos/pasubio9/
Very Happy


#149: Uluashka: , : 13 2009 21:39


#150: dinka : 16 2009 22:48

: 73
: 6,66

Tiny Yarn Animals Roxycraft

: 45
: 9,11

Amigurumi - AC Glytter

: 18
: 2,32

Amigurum 04

: 68
: 13,1

Amigurum 117

: 91
: 13,38

Amigurumis grandes

: 96
: 40, 23

#151: dinka : 16 2009 22:52
Bichinhos Gia Croche 01

: 20
: 3,69

Bichinhos Gia Croche 2006-03

: 37
: 8,95

Bichinhos Gia Croche 2007-04

: 32
: 10,46

Bichinhos Gia Croche 2007-05

: 41
: 15,09

Bichinhos Gia Croche 2008-02

: 32
: 10,45

Bichinhos Gia Croche 2008-06

: 28
: 10,85

#152: dinka : 18 2009 12:23
Amigurumi 880

: 77
: 21,81

Amigurumi - Gakken Hit Mook

: 43
: 19,59

Ami Crochet

: 81
: 24,46

Ami crochet 02

: 92
: 9,15

Hello Kitty 2

: 82
: 10,52

#153: Uluashka: , : 21 2009 17:56


#154: dinka : 21 2009 23:37
Amigurumi disney

: 48
: 11,8

Hello Kitty Crochet

: 96
: 14,81

Amigurumi Little Friends

: 9
: 3,55

Amigurumi 2

: 27
: 2,52

Amigurumi - Petit Boutique 228

: 31
: 26,22

#155: -- : 27 2009 16:36

. ... Surprised

#156: nadyas: , : 17 2010 20:36

#157:  : Canada : 17 2010 03:14
, !-!!! ! Surprised .  !

#158: TIMOSHAVA: . : 24 2010 19:59
! . !!!!!! ...

#159:  leffele : 25 2010 08:56

#160: svetlanyurkov : 23 2011 18:46
- " "
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