Interesting facts thread
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#1: Interesting facts threadGalochka: ( ) : 03 2007 07:15
My first question:
Russians are known for their love for tea...When Englishmen say "Russian
tea",what do they ususally have in mind?

#2: meteliza : 03 2007 18:35
In Europe tea flavoured with Bergamote is called "Russian tea"
Very Happy

My question Confused :
Which European language have not got any link with other European languages groups?

PS Galochka Thanks for starting the thread Very Happy

#3: Galochka: ( ) : 06 2007 02:21
Hm...I am trying to remeber about the language you are talking about ,but I can't...Can you give me a clue...  !

#4: gannka : 06 2007 09:12
meteliza ():
My question Confused :
Which European language have not got any link with other European languages groups?

Hungarian? The language is so very different.

#5: meteliza : 06 2007 16:36

It's spoken in a country that would like to be independent...

#6: Santima: : 06 2007 21:12
maybe you mean Albanian language? Confused

#7: gannka : 06 2007 21:33
So, which European language is related to Hungarian, then?

#8: meteliza : 06 2007 22:16
no, not Albanian

Wikipedia says:
Hungarian is a Finno-Ugric language, and more specifically a Ugric language, unrelated to the other languages of Central Europe.

The language to guess does not belong to any of European languages groups. It is apart.

#9: meteliza : 06 2007 22:27
Another tip Smile
This language does not belong to any language family.
There's a theory that it is the most ancient language of Europe. Today it is spoken by some 700 thousand people

#10: dollybaby: : 06 2007 23:50
Is it Armenian?

#11: meteliza : 07 2007 14:19
No, not Armenian

One more tip
It is spoken in a country that is not independent and it is fighting for the independence sometimes with terrorist methods.
The terrorists are prosecuted by the authorities of two countries where it is situated geographically. The attacks were rather violent in the 90s and it has been calmed down lately

#12: Galochka: ( ) : 08 2007 21:57
First I thought it had to be Flemmish....

#13: Galochka: ( ) : 08 2007 21:58
Ah....Maybe it is the language of the part of Spain...

#14: meteliza : 09 2007 15:14
Ah....Maybe it is the language of the part of Spain...

you are on the right way!
It's spoken in a part of Spain and in a part of another country bordering with Spain Smile

#15: Galochka: ( ) : 10 2007 01:12
is it the language of Vascs? I am not sure what is the right name for them in English,I know in Spanish they are called " vascos"...

#16: meteliza : 10 2007 02:00
si! !
in English it's the Basque language Smile

#17: Galochka: ( ) : 10 2007 06:15
ah! At last! I have surely heard it somewhere many years ago,but I forgot many things since I moved to the USA Razz
Can I continue the thread? 8-)

New York 's famous landmark is the Statue of Liberty...What country was the Statue of Liberty imported from? ! Where was it made?

#18: meteliza : 10 2007 18:16
Galochka ():

New York 's famous landmark is the Statue of Liberty...What country was the Statue of Liberty imported from? ! Where was it made?

It was a gift of French enthousiasts to the city of New York! It was made in Paris...

#19: Galochka: ( ) : 10 2007 22:32
! Bravo! meteliza

#20: meteliza : 11 2007 01:09
ok, another question? Smile

Which sea does not have a coastline?

#21: Galochka: ( ) : 12 2007 06:19
It seems it could be some Northern sea...Am I right?

#22: meteliza : 12 2007 16:37
No, the North sea has coasts in England, Netherlands and France... may be some other countries ...

a hint: this sea is in the Atlantic ocean

#23: Alishka: New York : 12 2007 18:53
Hi ladies!! I missed you all Smile

Meteliza - Sargasso sea? Although I still don't understand how exactly they determine it's boundaries. Just by parallels and meridians, I guess.

Ok - I don't have a "smart" question. But here are a couple of things which I personally wondered about - and I confess, I had to look up the answers on the internet.

1 - Why is the grapefruit called the grapefruit?

2 - Why do chefs wear those funny tall hats?

Feel free to post your guesses, that way we can have some fun with some crazy hypotheses Very Happy

#24: meteliza : 12 2007 23:06
welcome back!

Yeah! it's Saragasso sea! !

The first question supposes the following answer: grapefruits grow in grapes Laughing

As to your 2nd question... Do you mean chef of cuisine?
I have no ideas at the moment..

#25: Galochka: ( ) : 15 2007 19:11
About hats...Maybe the chefs are wearing tall hats to be seen from the distance so that customers would know who is the one who spoiled their food! Laughing

#26: Alishka: New York : 16 2007 22:28
Hi Hi,

Grapefruits in grapes? Hm... That could be a good guess - if a grapefruit was a parasite plant and it grew on the grape plants. However, it is more likely that the grape vines are the parasite that grow on the grapefruit tree giving it the name. Although, both guesses are wrong Smile

Galochka, you are pretty close to the most widely held theory (the part about being seen not the spoiled food Smile). Your guess is much better than my original one - I thought maybe the tall hats are a storage devise. Imagine keeping salt up there and instead of looking for the salt dish just raise your hand. I was really really wrong Smile

#27: Galochka: ( ) : 16 2007 23:08
the tall hats are a storage devise...That is cute! 8-) Imagine how a cook should feel after carrying red pepper there,for example... Razz Though it is very appropriate I must confess!You don't need to run anywhere to find some salt or pepper.

#28: Galochka: ( ) : 22 2007 06:12
Girls, I have a new question...
What sea living creature changes its sex from male to female and back many times during its life.... Shocked

#29: nympha: Russia(Orenburg) - Egypt(Cairo) : 26 2007 00:40
Nice question Surprised I hope it's not coz of some polution stuff and so on Very Happy You mean natural process, don't you?

#30: Galochka: ( ) : 26 2007 01:14
No,it is a natural process! It has nothing to do with the environment! Very Happy
I heard about it just a couple weeks ago and was really surprised! Shocked

#31:  : 12 2007 02:37
Spainsh is the official state language
There are 3 more official languages in Spain, so depending on the city you will need to speak it or not (the only language that you MUST speak in order to do the Residency in Spain is Spanish, and in those regions they speak both languages)
- Catalan: Catalonia, Valencia; Islas Baleares
- Euskera: Vask Country (Pais Vasco)
- Galego: Galicia

and what about Esperanza?

#32:  : 12 2007 02:55
Sea urchins?


Wrasses start their lives either as a male or a female, just like any other fish. But they can also change sex. These fish are protogynous hermaphrodites, which means they can start their life as a female and then change to the male. Wrasses are born with both male and female sex organs.

#33: Galochka: ( ) : 12 2007 06:02

#34:  : 15 2007 02:29
Galochka ():

Oh! Crying or Very sad I hate oysters Crying or Very sad

#35: Galochka: ( ) : 15 2007 06:13


#36: Natashechka : 15 2007 18:00
Not sure if anyone is still visiting this thread, not sure if this is a right place, but see the joke below - laughing out loud. Very loud Laughing

Blond Cookbook

It's fun to cook for Bill. Today I made angel food cake. The recipe said beat 12 eggs separately. The neighbors were nice enough to loan me some extra bowls.

Bill wanted fruit salad for supper. The recipe said serve without dressing. So I didn't dress. What a surprise when Bill brought a friend home for supper

A good day for rice. The recipe said wash thoroughly before steaming the rice. It seemed kind of silly but I took a bath anyway. I can't say it improved the rice any.

Today Bill asked for salad again I tried a new recipe. It said prepare ingredients; lay on a bed of lettuce one hour before serving. Bill asked me why I was rolling around in the garden..

I found an easy recipe for cookies. It said put the ingredients in a bowl and beat it. There must have been something wrong with this recipe. When I got back, everything was the same as when I left.

Bill did the shopping today and brought home a chicken. He asked me to dress it for Sunday. I don't have any clothes that fit it, and for some reason Bill keeps counting to ten.

Bill's folks came to dinner. I wanted to serve roast but all I had was hamburger. Sudde nly I had a flash of genius.. I put the hamburger in the oven and set the controls for roast. It still came out hamburger, much to my disappointment.

GOOD NIGHT DEAR DIARY. This has been a very exciting week! I am eager for tomorrow to come so I can try out a new recipe on Bill. If I can talk Bill into buying a bigger oven, I would like to surprise him with a chocolate moose.

#37: meteliza : 21 2007 14:40
I love blondes!

#38: Billy Budapest : 21 2007 19:12
The blonde diary is hysterical! I loved the 'beat it' one. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

#39: Koshechka: jukovskiy : 23 2008 09:53
meteliza ():
Another tip Smile
This language does not belong to any language family.
There's a theory that it is the most ancient language of Europe. Today it is spoken by some 700 thousand people

the Basque language

#40: =Z= : 22 2008 15:45
meteliza ():
In Europe tea flavoured with Bergamote is called "Russian tea"
Very Happy

Hmmmm...I've always thought that "Russan tea", it's tea with lemon, but English tea, it's tea with milk.

#41: Lesya_M: : 29 2009 06:27
are there anybody, who want to continue the game?

#42: Karasu : 30 2010 15:50
Nice thread people! Give me moar interesting facts) Sn0='_1D&"T R8 P#rIbձlؿ҂ąVpc{73^lZ&!̘$P qҢNZC ['nw2`oJ6!H2 ,umy_*i!WB$,?I-|g3xlze"]PdRXaO8]Ƀ9e~zy~G*Z`W2Ѽ*[wݰŇ)|[؇pv0qԦ7qűnF糳Y:, {;I}?.d); 6sNWD{k4_uh,LUGq F(;!`RY#d(T\+H X}߻'Ȳ0WM{57.S s‡T+֨H`yCR#RZ6 s^Y(Q$QTXʒdAK`'Y93%R=(y^1 rI]2}H$p/$ܢٱ߃ ەBmR{pi7:_s8$mi>^Pa 4L#O˒|"CP}F_v?6EX\6 ^ 5иq;co޺U'S@{qd ZiڲLk(SԝԶtS